8 Beastie cards with envelopes. Blank for your own greeting. These are some of my favourite drawings - two badgers, two sheep, a squirrel, a hedgehog, a highland cow and a fox cub.
Eight individual hare images reproduced on high quality 300gsm matte white paper as A5 cards and envelopes in a beautiful heavyweight dark grey gift box complete with illustrated label.
Bumble bees to me are the sound of summer. I love to lie in the grass with my eyes closed and listen to them bumbling around me. Pastel on paper 86x66 framed UK shipping is £70.00. Please contact me for International rates.
Small drawing series This Bee drawing was made as part of a series in the summer months when bumblebees and honey bees were frequent visitors to my studio. Sometimes there were so many of them buzzing about that the noise was quite distracting. They are all small works, except I couldn't resist doing one large bee drawing too. You can see him by clicking here. Pastel on paper 42x30cms Unframed
A3 prints are Gallery quality limited edition giclées, custom trimmed with border, and signed, titled and numbered under the image. They are printed with archival inks on 300 gsm heavyweight acid free white cotton rag paper with a matte finish and sent out unframed in a sturdy cardboard tube. All prints are made to order, so please allow 2 weeks for arrival. Alternatively, please get in touch if you would like to discuss framing options.
I love coal tits. They are a common British bird and have a beautiful black head with white cheeks. In winter you can see flocks of coal tits roaming through woodland, feeding and storing food for later. For sale here: https://linton59.co.uk Pastel 86x66 cms Framed
Graphite powder on pages of Darwin's Origin of Species 85x60cms, framed The book pages will darken with time as they are exposed to light. UK shipping is £70. Please get in touch for international shipping rates.
Pastel on paper 76x56cm Unframed This long suffering duck was being relentlessly chased around the lake by ardent drakes hoping to mate. She had a look of stoicism about her.
When wary, a Fox cub will drop its head and stare at you with its large penetrating eyes, as if it is trying to read your intent when you try to approach. Pastel 86x66cm framed
A3 gallery quality limited edition giclées, custom trimmed with border, and signed, titled and numbered under the image. Printed with archival inks on 300gsm heavyweight acid free white cotton rag paper with a matte finish and sent out unframed in a sturdy cardboard tube for ease of delivery. All prints are made to order, so please allow 2 weeks for arrival. Alternatively, please email if you would like to discuss framing options in West London. Original…
A3 gallery quality limited edition giclées, custom trimmed with border, and signed, titled and numbered under the image. Printed with archival inks on 300gsm heavyweight acid free white cotton rag paper with a matte finish and sent out unframed in a sturdy cardboard tube for ease of delivery. All prints are made to order, so please allow 2 weeks for arrival. Alternatively, please get in touch if you would like to discuss framing options in West…
A3 prints are Gallery quality limited edition giclées, custom trimmed with border, and signed, titled and numbered under the image. They are printed with archival inks on 300 gsm heavyweight acid free white cotton rag paper with a matte finish and sent out unframed in a sturdy cardboard tube. All prints are made to order, so please allow 2 weeks for arrival. Alternatively, please get in touch if you would like to discuss framing options.
A3 gallery quality limited edition giclées, custom trimmed with border, and signed, titled and numbered under the image. Printed with archival inks on 300gsm heavyweight acid free white cotton rag paper with a matte finish and sent out unframed in a sturdy cardboard tube for ease of delivery. All prints are made to order, so please allow 2 weeks for arrival. Alternatively, please get in touch if you would like to discuss framing options in West…
A3 gallery quality limited edition giclées, custom trimmed with border, and signed, titled and numbered under the image. Printed with archival inks on 300gsm heavyweight acid free white cotton rag paper with a matte finish and sent out unframed in a sturdy cardboard tube for ease of delivery. All prints are made to order, so please allow 2 weeks for arrival. Alternatively, please get in touch if you would like to discuss framing options in West…
Hares are such elusive creatures but in spring they have their young leverets and are sometimes easier to see. They are one of my favourite animals and it is still a thrill to spot one. Pastel 86x66cms Framed
Hares are mysterious creatures and it's hard to get close to them - long hours lying in wet grass with a telephoto lens. Charcoal 76x56cms paper size Framed If you would like to collect from my West London studio, please contact me before going to checkout where UK shipping will be applied. UK shipping: £70.00 All crating and shipping is handled by a dedicated art courier. If you would like to enquire about international shipping rates,…
Charcoal on paper 76x56 cm Unframed I keep going back to drawing hares as they are far and away my favourite animal in the UK. They are graceful, mysterious creatures with huge eyes and long, long ears. Hares are not still for long as they are shy, hyper-alert animals and they are hard to spot as they are usually concealed by the crops in the fields they run in.
A3 gallery quality limited edition giclées, custom trimmed with border, and signed, titled and numbered under the image. Printed with archival inks on 300gsm heavyweight acid free white cotton rag paper with a matte finish and sent out unframed in a sturdy cardboard tube for ease of delivery. All prints are made to order, so please allow 2 weeks for arrival. Alternatively, please get in touch if you would like to discuss framing options in West…
A3 gallery quality limited edition giclées, custom trimmed with border, and signed, titled and numbered under the image. Printed with archival inks on 300gsm heavyweight acid free white cotton rag paper with a matte finish and sent out unframed in a sturdy cardboard tube for ease of delivery. All prints are made to order, so please allow 2 weeks for arrival. Alternatively, please get in touch if you would like to discuss framing options in West…
A3 gallery quality limited edition giclées, custom trimmed with border, and signed, titled and numbered under the image. Printed with archival inks on 300gsm heavyweight acid free white cotton rag paper with a matte finish and sent out unframed in a sturdy cardboard tube for ease of delivery. All prints are made to order, so please allow 2 weeks for arrival. Alternatively, please get in touch if you would like to discuss framing options in West…
Cutting out pieces of paper from among other sources the dried palettes I use for my abstract paintings, I am creating a new body of highly coloured work: Hares, Birds, Cows Wolves so far. 56x76cm Unframed
Highland Cow Pastel on paper 86x66 framed One of my favourites, she still grazes in the fields around me on Dartmoor and produces beautiful calves every year.
Collage Handcut paper 87x66cms, framed I often come across hooded crows on my travels in Scotland. Such sturdy and soundly built creatures as they stomp across the land, an air of mischief and curiosity about them. If you would like to collect from my studio instead of using Shipping, please tick Collect from studio at Checkout.
A3 prints are Gallery quality limited edition giclées, custom trimmed with border, and signed, titled and numbered under the image. They are printed with archival inks on 300 gsm heavyweight acid free white cotton rag paper with a matte finish and sent out unframed in a sturdy cardboard tube. All prints are made to order, so please allow 2 weeks for arrival. Alternatively, please get in touch if you would like to discuss framing options.
Small drawing series This little wagtail perched himself on my studio windowsill for several minutes, unbothered by my presence and my rapid grabbing of a sketch book. Pied wagtail fledgling Pastel Unframed Framed Framed 38 x 37cms Other birds
Pastel on paper 76x56cms, framed This is a Puffin from my recent trip to the Farne Islands off the coast of Northumberland. He was carefully guarding the eggs in his burrow and giving me quite a stern look.
Pastel on paper 70x50cm Unframed This Robin started visiting my feeder after all the summer migrants had gone. I never saw him there during the summer months but it's lovely to see him now and draw his portrait.
Rook Collage Collage on paper 90x70cms (paper size) Framed This Rook collage is made from a variety of coloured paper pieces - blues, greys, blacks, built up over several layers to create the feather patterns and the bone structure underneath. I start with a drawing and this one comes from a week I spent on the island of Colonsay in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland. UK shipping is £70. Or you can collect from my London…
Collage on paper 90x70cms, paper size Another member of the beguiling Corvid family, and, like the crows and ravens, also known for its intelligence and problem-solving abilities. Collage seems to give them the extra heft they deserve: this one is made from hand cut paper pieces in all the blues and blacks and greys that make up the feather colours.
Sanderling Pastel on paper Sanderlings are found at the very water's edge on the sea shore. They hang about in groups and every time I move in close to them they rise up and then land again a few tantalising feet away. When they are standing at rest, they often look as if they are crossing their legs. They are very funny. Pastel 86x66cms framed UK shipping is £70.00. Please contact me for international rates. More…
Crows are everywhere, crows are scavengers, crows are intelligent, crows are tricksters. Who has not been entertained by hilarious Crow antics? Where there are scraps, there are crows. Re-reading Darwin's Origin of Species, I was struck by how dismayed he would be at the loss of so many species. This bird - made as it is of many different types of feathers and on a background of pages from Darwin's book - reminds me of all…
I was hiking in the Lake District last year and came across these beautiful Herdwick sheep. Tightly wrapped in their pale woolly coats against the winter cold.
To my great delight this summer, shrews have been coming into the studio while the door is open (along with birds, bees, butterflies and dragon flies.) I hope this means I have a healthy population of them in my garden. Pastel 42x29.5cms Unframed
I love watching the new fledglings emerge in the spring, learning to fly, learning to be grown ups. And charcoal really shows the layers and shapes of the feathers. 56x76cm Charcoal on paper Framed
The Black Isle is a peninsula north of Inverness with gentle rolling fields, forests, beautiful coastlines and wildlife in abundance. Acrylic 25.5 x 24cm Framed.
I love foxes and am very pleased to introduce The Fox Box. Each of the eight images is taken from a series of fox portraits that I have made over the years - from my garden, from the city streets and from the countryside.